Cybersecurity Alert: What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You
Cybersecurity is broad, which contributes to many people being unsure where or how to start when it comes to securing their data and organization. Ensuring your data is protected at all times is a step in the right direction. Data is powerful, and when it lands in the wrong hands, it can be disastrous, which is why more organizations are looking to implement robust security measures to protect their sensitive and confidential information.
However, many organizations make the mistake of adopting platforms, strategies, and policies without the knowledge and expertise needed to successfully implement them. In some cases, best practices are not applied or the chosen platforms are not maximized. In other cases, user permissions have not been accurately granted, creating a variety of risks that can lead to authorized users being locked out of accounts or accidentally giving access to unauthorized users.
Providing employees with ongoing education and training to be able to immediately recognize cyber threats and know what steps they should take when they encounter a threat can help to save your organization from attacks that can be difficult to recover from. It is important for your employees to be fully aware of the tactics and techniques cybercriminals use to take advantage of weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your organization’s IT infrastructure.
Training and education for new hires and training courses for existing employees will pave the way for a greater level of protection of your organization’s most sensitive and confidential data. Anyone who has access to devices on your network needs to be educated and informed on the most common and latest security threats and what actions need to be taken to avoid them.
Why is Cybersecurity Training Important?
Your organization’s cybersecurity is only as strong as its weakest link. If one of your employees makes a single mistake, this mistake can lead to a costly cyberattack that can be difficult for your organization to recover from. A cyberattack can pose a significant threat to the privacy of your data and the stability of your organization. When you bring in new hires or when you have current employees who are not technically savvy, the only way you can get them to gain a better understanding of cybercrime is by educating and training them on what it is and how it works.
When your employees are able to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and when they know what to do in a situation where they are faced with a threat, they will be able to spring into immediate action as soon as they see it. As a result, your employees will be able to thwart a cybercriminal’s attempt to access your organization’s network. Cybersecurity training, education, and best practices are crucial to preventing attacks on your network. Cybersecurity training should be a crucial part of your organization’s culture.
What is on the Dark Web about Your Organization?
The Dark Web is often referred to as the Wild West of the Web. On the Dark Web, activity is difficult to see or track. Anonymity rules everything, and trying to do things without being noticed is the name of the game. Content and activity on the dark web are posted without having to follow any regulatory practices, and there are no user protections in place. As a result, the dark web can be detrimental to your organization’s network and your organization as a whole.
Monitoring activity on the dark web can help to protect your organization from cyberattacks, including data breaches that stem from one of your employees having their credentials compromised. One of the benefits of dark web monitoring in real-time is that the process involves monitoring your organization’s confidential and sensitive data on the dark web.
If any of your organization’s information is found on the web, you will be notified. You will also receive alerts when it is time to change passwords, which will serve as another stepping stone to avoiding the dangers of confidential and sensitive information being stolen and put up for sale on the Wild West of the Web.
The dark web is not something that anyone can gain access to, and it is not something that will allow you to carry out your own analysis and detection that is needed to protect your organization’s network. A skilled IT services provider can help your organization determine the best dark web monitoring service that suits the unique needs of your organization.
Can Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Help Deter Cyber Attacks?
To lock down your passwords and prevent someone from gaining unauthorized access to user credentials, software, applications, and sensitive data, organizations should deploy a complete Multi-factor authentication (MFA) strategy in your organization’s key IT assets, such as the network, email, servers, and cloud resources to prevent cyber threats from arising.
In many cloud computing platforms, Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is mandatory. There is no physical presence on cloud platforms and users can access systems from anywhere at any time. Multi-factor authentication ensures credentials by requiring users to take additional steps to authenticate credentials. The additional authentication factors will reduce the chances that a cybercriminal will gain access to your network through a phishing attack, stolen devices, or other means.
In the world of cybersecurity, using multi-factor authentication should be a priority for more organizations. MFA is not only easy to implement, but it is cost-effective and user-friendly. Organizations that implement MFA can significantly reduce cyber threats.
A mistake that many organizations make is believing they can hide under the radar when it comes to phishing attacks, data breaches, and other cyberattacks. Any organization, regardless of size or industry, can be targeted by cybercriminals. In today’s digital world, it is not a matter of ”if” a cyber threat or cyberattack will happen, but ”when” it happens.
Having your employees put in the time and effort to do their part in protecting your systems and networks from cyberattacks will help to keep your organization’s data and systems safe, protecting your organization from those with bad intentions. Mathe’s cybersecurity solutions will keep your organization running at maximum efficiency.
If you have concerns about the IT security of your organization, contact us to schedule your free consultation.

With over 35 years in the business of supporting and implementing technology for the SME market, and 6 years previously in Corporate IT and Voice. I have seen a great deal of change. The only common thread is I have always focused on the Business Wise application of Technology. We always try to look 5 years ahead of the current technology to make sure our clients are on the right track to meet current and future needs.