Benefits Of Private Cloud Technologies For Large & Emerging Companies

You have already heard about all the benefits that come with relying on a cloud for your business’s computing operations. You know that it makes it easier and cheaper for your business to handle lots of data and complex operations. You also know that a cloud environment will give your business the flexibility it needs to adjust its computing needs as it grows, or depending on the business climate. However, one question still lingers in your mind. Which type of cloud is better?

Currently, there are three options you could go for: public, private, and hybrid. In this article, we are going to focus on the benefits that come with using a private cloud. But first, what essentially is a private cloud?

What Is A Private Cloud?

A private cloud is also known as a corporate cloud or an internal cloud and it is a type of cloud infrastructure reserved for only a single organization or business. It differs from the other two options in that a public cloud is accessible to all people and businesses and a hybrid one combines the two of them.

A private cloud also allows companies to use their own computing hardware and can be hosted within the company or externally. Conversely, in the case of a public cloud, it is the service provider who procures, builds and maintains all hardware, such as computing power and data storage chips.

However, in the case of advantages like virtualization capabilities, scalability, and flexible computing resources, the private cloud is similar to a public one.

So, why should your business consider a private cloud?

The Benefits Of Private Cloud Technology

Greater resource utilization

Virtualization technology enables most of the benefits you get when you use a private cloud, since it is chiefly responsible for all types of cloud computing. However, at most times, a lot of servers remain under-used. Virtualization ensures that private clouds can use every resource available, meaning that when demands change from services, you can deploy resources to a different physical server. Additionally, you can meet the changing demands of any specific application by adjusting the resources allocated to a particular server.

More costs saved

Enhanced flexibility and better resource utilization will not only assist your business to ensure application performance but also help to get the most out of your servers and lower costs.

Private clouds tend to favor some companies in terms of costs, as this study by 451 Research revealed. This is especially the case if the private cloud runs on single-tenant dedicated VMware. Network bandwidth and some other hidden costs are some of the reasons experts believe make private clouds cost lesser over some time. You hardly notice the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a public cloud until you get the bill. 41% of IT executives actually admit that their company would save more money by switching from a public cloud to a private one, as the study by 451 Research indicated.

Enhanced security 

A report from Ixia, a security vendor, revealed that the chief concern for 90% of IT professionals is application and data security. Security experts recommend a private cloud, which they believe offers more security advantages over a public cloud. It is easier to provide physical security for several physical machines that host a private cloud than it is to implement robust antivirus and firewall protection, which are commonplace in public clouds. You will also access the private cloud using several private and secure links, as compared to the public cloud accessed through links that just about anyone can obtain easily.

Regulatory compliance 

Your company could be operating in an industry with strict network and internet security compliance regulations. This includes companies that have to ensure HIPAA Compliant Hosting and PCI Compliant Hosting. In such a case, you will have fewer options than to switch to a cloud environment that allows you to get the benefits of cloud computing without compromising your regulatory compliance. Only a private cloud will offer such.

Greater flexibility

It is sometimes difficult to deploy some workloads to the public cloud since it is not customizable to a level where it can support just about any application. Therefore, when migrating from a legacy on-premise system, your company might face some hardships. However, you still need to accomplish a successful migration to be able to enjoy the intended benefits of cloud computing. You can opt for a public cloud, which has a higher migration success rate. A potentially lower TCO could also result.

Enhanced efficiency and control

Private clouds are set up either on-site or on a third-party datacenter that exclusively offers private hosting. This allows your company to have greater control over your hardware and data, should you have to step in and make some prompt changes. You can use advanced analytics and monitor application deployment to predict and prevent gridlocks and downtime.

Ensuring business continuity

When you don’t own your own computing hardware, it can be difficult to ensure business continuity. Even though your public cloud provider is looking to stay in business longer than you, the future could introduce plenty of surprises. With technology evolving so fast nowadays, your public cloud provider could suddenly stop offering their services while you are still in business. This can introduce a difficult challenge that you have to finish quickly: migrating your applications and data to a new cloud. Why take chances when you can go for a private cloud that is even more private and will be within your reach and control for as long as you want?

Private Cloud Services For Large & Emerging Companies

With security, control, and privacy being some of the key concerns when running a business in a cloud environment, clearly, a private cloud is a superb option. A private cloud is especially better if your business handles sensitive data, operates under strict compliance regulations and scrutiny, or simply needs enhanced customization and scrutiny.

When your attention is focused on ensuring that you offer the best services to your customers, you need an IT partner that can effectively deliver cloud desktop and cloud infrastructure services. This is exactly what you get with Mathe Inc. We have a team of highly trained and competent experts ready to assess, design, implement, and support your business’s cloud needs. How about you contact us today to know more about how we can help to transform your company?

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